onsdag den 8. april 2009

Free Blogger

follwing Lily of the Valley's blog(s), I found out that there's a proposition happening in italy which is to shut down all blogs and other websites with 'inapropriate' information - this is without orders or so!
This.. is.. not okay!
If you want to support the freedom of italian bloggers, then read this link: http://www.boingboing.net/2009/03/11/italian-bloggers-cal.html and send an e-mail to freeblogger@beppegrillo.it
the e-mail must contain:

Subject: your name
Text: the adress(es) to your blog(s)
Attach: a photo of yourself with a sign saying "Free Blogger".

3 kommentarer:

Manuel sagde ...

free blogger....

thanks from Italy
i like this pic....you are...mysterious..

Danny sagde ...

thank you very much for your support, me and my compatriot appreciate your sweat to let know to the people our oppressive condition.


Alessandro sagde ...

Thanks for your support.